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Nets & amulets


In Egypt’s Late Period (C7 – C4 BC) netted mummy ‘decoration’ with amulets strung inside the pattern became an essential element of the funerary equipment. These mummy nets had an amuletic function, brilliantly described by Caris-Beatrice Arnst (‘Vernetzung. Zur Symbolik des Mumiennetzes’. in: Martin Fitzenreiter, Christian E. Loeben, Internet-Beiträge zur Ägyptologie und Sudanarchäologie (IBAES) I). The fabric is similar to the beaded dresses and it is possible that similar techniques were used in the production. The integrated amulets are made of a tightly strung disc bead fabric.
In these Late Periods the techniques of the beadworks show very little technological innovation or ‘vision’. Considering the amount of beadwork discovered from this period, an almost industrial production scale may be assumed. This is also confirmed by the fact that often a set of two disc beads were used in the production of the amulets, simplifying patterns and increasing production speed.
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